maandag 10 augustus 2015

3. Where do a person(ality) grow?

As a fulltimer I work for at least 35 hours a week. 41 hours in total with one hour break and plus one hour extra with morning briefing. And not to be forgotten the 7.5 hours biking to work. For five days a week  I am like many people, we sppend most of my daytime at work.

Job is more than 'something that just or must happen'. Every working people is a commited 'athlete' paid for his or her chosen sport. It's my JOB speaks often louder than it's me. At the beginning of my cariere as a sales person, I faced many distractions between my values and the people value at my work. But then when I read the company platform I understand something. The way of how my team works is not yet the most ideal way like what are stated or recognized as the company values. Of course everyone ideally strive for these values. It is like who change who. Does the value change me as  a person? Or my individuality has to adapt the company values. In fact we hear that people say, 'Ik ben so, wat moet ik nog vanderen.' 'It's me, what should I change then?'

I remembered what my current manager said during the job interview. He stated literally,' You are the type of person this company wants!' After eight month working I do aggree that he is absolutely right. However, being ideal is a never ending work. It is a non stop work done with passion. Passion that support me to renew and review what I've done and what I've thought directed by my believe system.

This job makes me better as an individual. It brings me to the essence of humanity, at the same time to find out who I am, what is the construction of my believe system to track where mt spontaneity is from. This consciousness is important to set the new ideal believe, my current values In order to create a sort of theraphy for a better attitude.

Every sales conversation is a view of who I am as a human being, and later as a professional. Often if something unwanted happens I do self talk, 'Gama, what are you thinking about them, yourcustomers, honestly?' It is quick obvious that If you hate children or senior of sort od groups of people than you'll see the miror effect of this in your commercial talk. Being conscious to our belife system is a must to change the attitude. With no doubt I realize that this job is a marathon in shapingME. At the first place, as a person then as a sales person. This combination I call as a PERSONALITY.

On my second month working for AS Adventure I got a customer searching for a special warming patch. "Are you going to go skiing, sir?" I asked. He said that he got cold easily if he is fishing. Then I told him perhaps something wrong with his shoes or the socks.

Funnily he said something else, "I recognize your laughing and your empathy. Were you in Leuven two years ago?" He told me that I have helped his daughter In giving orientation for choosing university residences. Then he asked me to wait and came back with his wife and their two daughters. "remember  him?" He asked them. For a moment they have to thing and then he gave a clue, "A boy
from Leuven!" Then they said oh yeah...

That is the first time in my life, a father of two daughter said straight over my face that he recognized my laugh and EMPATHY. empathy seems too heavy, but that's the power of a personal value that many of us don't know.

My colleagues in Antwerp named me a litle sun, and three years ago when I did intership in Jackwofskin Leuven, Kelly said, "if you come then the sun shines." Customers said often, "You are always vriendly and helpful, is this always like this here?" And some of them shake my hands to thank. All of them are my PERSONALITY MATERIALS.

Do those labels show me that I am a unique person? Do they make me different and offer an added values to my company? ArE they the signs of my personality growth as a person and as a? Damn YES. And this   happens Everyday on the workfloor. Above all, it is an individual choice. Personality
is created, it is a result of a hard, evry minute is a moment to change to be better in my own way.

donderdag 15 januari 2015

Cinderella goes home


What if you go working and doing your best, the people at work like you, your customers feel good, they get the right things, they are more sure that they just deserve the best chosen products and some how they are entertained, they shake your hand,
'Merci a vous'
'Gij zijt bedankt'
'Thanks so much!'

Then you realize that at work, you don't walk at all, you're dancing! It's too FUN to say as an office or a shop or a firm, it is a BALLROOM.

Your shiny shoes, your ironed shirt, your straight-put name tag become statements, 'I'm a professional.' You are not a worker either an employee, you are a partner of your company, you act yourself and at the same time you find out and develop a creatieve human side of yours, you are a PERSONALITY.

At 6 PM when the loudspeaker says that the PARTY is over, you get regreted, just like a Cinderella you go home with half of your heart.

You just suffer from a CINDERELLA GOES HOME syndrome. Eat it!

woensdag 14 januari 2015

Knock knock knock…..


Knock knock knock…..

You have to write a book  about THIS, she told me during a luch of Turning Point Retreat in Dinant, November last year. Her eyes cut all the uncertainty that I had and I just knew, my God the time passed so fast, and my ego said I didn’t make it good enough, and it was not a truth I made and at the same time I’m making THINGs.


And …

Lately I know that what I have is more than what she said THIS.


Honestly I don’t have a need to tell you mine, I get bored to discuss the emotional shits. If I deserve your love, your brotherhood, your friendship, your understanding and I’ll thank the universe otherwise I’m happy enough to understand my own.

WE CHOOSE (don’t  we)  to be happy, rich, healthy, angry or even to feel poor and like a rubbish. I choose to be valuable. Everyday, I track my self down via others at work. Sometimes, I just can’t believe that I was blind to what I had, I was unsure to what I had and to what I had done. But anyway here I am now, to work for the world to be enjoyed.



Before, let me thank 2014 for all of things that I experience. Thanks for a lot of loves, hard Works and commitments. I know there are some unfinished things, and we’ll see again and finish or make next nice stories together. I love you, universe.